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&                Substitute Operator                                 Operator


    Causes the assembler to replace dummyparameter with dummyparameter's
    actual parameter value when used in the text of a macro definition.

       Notes:     The best way this operator can be defined is by looking
                  at an example:

  -------------------------------- Example ---------------------------------

           newlabel    MACRO    x
           label&x     db       &x

           newlabel    0
           newlabel    1

    If NEWLABEL is a macro defined above and 2 calls are made to it, one
    with the parameter 0 and the other with 1, the result would be

           label0      db   0
           label1      db   1

    Note how the dummy parameter's value was substituted for &x.

See Also: <> ! % ;;
This page created by ng2html v1.05, the Norton guide to HTML conversion utility. Written by Dave Pearson